Guyana: en medio de los festejos por e 49° aniversario de la independencia, David Granger asume oficialmente la presidencia


El presidente de Guyana, David Granger, asume desde hoy el cargo de manera oficial, en una ceremonia que coincidirá con los festejos por el aniversario 49 de la independencia del país de Reino Unido.

La investidura de Granger, un general retirado de 69 años de edad, comenzará tras la colocación de ocho ofrendas florales ante un monumento erigido en honor a quienes lucharon por la soberanía nacional.

Luego, el mandatario perdonará las condenas de 60 convictos que no enfrenten cargos relacionados con crímenes violentos.

El programa de esta jornada incluye un espectáculo con los principales exponentes de la música guyanesa en el estadio nacional de Providence, además de los actos protocolares con los invitados extranjeros.

Granger condujo a la victoria electoral al bloque de las alianzas por el Cambio y para la Unidad Nacional, con un programa que propone mayores oportunidades de educación y salud, un alza salarial, bajos impuestos, la lucha contra la corrupción, el narcotráfico y la trata de personas.

Por primera vez en la historia del país aglutinó a grupos de afroguyaneses, amerindios, mestizos y descendientes de hindúes bajo una misma bandera política y esbozó como principal compromiso la unidad entre todos los sectores y el fin de las tensiones raciales.

Su coalición logró 207 mil 200 votos y rompió con 23 años de mandato del Partido Progresista del Pueblo (PPP), que obtuvo el respaldo de 202 mil 694 ciudadanos en las elecciones del pasado día 11.

Con esos resultados, la coalición gobernante aseguró la mayoría en la Asamblea Nacional, o sea 33 escaños.

El PPP -que estuvo en el poder desde 1992- será la oposición y controlará los restantes 32 asientos del parlamento unicameral.

Prensa Latina

Annual Independence Exhibition opens -as Guyana celebrates 49th Independence Anniversary

AS Guyana today celebrates 49 years as an independent nation, the Department of Culture Youth and Sport, under the purview of the Ministry of Education, is working towards ensuring that citizens become aware of the country’s rich history. And so Minister of Education, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine yesterday officially opened the annual Independence Exhibition at the Guyana National Museum. The exhibition, which has now become an official part of the country’s Independence anniversary observances, seeks to inform the public, primarily the youths; about the struggles faced by their ancestors and so enlighten them on their country’s history.

The exhibits include a wide display of posters depicting Guyana’s historians and their political backgrounds, clippings from old newspapers, sections on former Presidents, models of the Canje Pheasant, the national bird, medals, national symbols, and books, along with many other treasured gems.

A special piece was also added in honour of the country’s eighth Executive President, Brigadier (rtd) David Granger. This includes a poster with his photograph, along with a brief history of his life.

Further, a section of the exhibition was also dedicated to the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Students from various schools in Georgetown participated in the viewing of the exhibits. They were given a tour of the exhibition after sitting in for the formal opening ceremony. This will continue throughout the period of the event.

This exhibition has been held for approximately six consecutive years and serves as an awareness campaign to educate the public on the country’s legacy.

Speaking at the brief ceremony, Minister Roopnaraine pointed out that he was delighted to be made aware of the fact that the exhibition will be taken to other regions around the country, allowing more individuals to educate themselves about their country’s history, particularly the struggle for independence.
He also expressed gratitude to the staff of the museum for their dedication over the years and efforts to make the exhibition a success.

Meanwhile, Major Christine Bradford Porter of the GDF gave an overview of the force’s achievements and functions over the years. She pointed out that the force was established in November 1965, in anticipation of the country’s rebirth as an independent nation the following year.

The Major added that it was predominantly males who served at that time, but in 1967, women were enlisted in the force and they have since played vital roles in its daily functions.

In addition, Tota Mangar, Member of the National Archives Advisory Committee gave a recap of the evening of May 25, 1966, going down to the dawn of May 26, and the end of slavery for Guyanese as the country’s political freedom was sealed.

Also present at the ceremony was Minister within the Ministry of Education, Nicolette Henry, Permanent Secretary of the former Ministry of Culture Youth and Sport, Alfred King, along with many members of the Diplomatic Corps.

Guyana, then British Guiana, gained its independence on Thursday, May 26, 1966. It was a moment of pride for this beautiful country. This day saw the lowering of the Union Jack and the rising of the Golden Arrow Head.

This precious moment saw the head of the two political Parties Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham embracing in joy, creating another historic moment for the country.

In its 49 years of independence, Guyana has moved to a nation of six s and has witnessed great developments, after overcoming hardships, and now the country stands proud as one of the Caribbean’s finest.

This year’s exhibition is held under the theme ‘Reflections of 49 years of achievements’.

Guyana Chronicle

CARICOM congratulates Guyana on 49 years

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has extended congratulations to Guyana on its Forty-Ninth Anniversary of Independence, 26 May 2015.

In a congratulatory message to the President of Guyana, H.E. David Granger, the Secretary-General of CARICOM, Ambassador Irwin LaRocque pointed to Guyana’s active leadership role, during its 49 years of independence, in fostering regional unity, particularly its prominence in the formation of CARIFTA and CARICOM.

Caricom Today

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