Trinidad y Tobago: primera ministra descarta decretar estado de emergencia


Even as crime continues to spiral, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar last night dismissed the notion of calling a limited state of emergency. Persad-Bissessar made the comment to reporters following a near two-and-a half-hour meeting of the United National Congress’ (UNC) national executive at Rienzi Complex, Couva. The Prime Minister said the issue of a limited state of emergency, such as the one called in 2011, was not discussed as an option, even as gang warfare in east Port-of-Spain claimed five lives yesterday.

“No, it was never raised, never discussed,” she added. The Prime Minister said the spike in crime was discussed at the last National Security Council meeting as were plans to deal with that spike. She said National Security Minister Emmanuel George “can give you some more details on that.” The Prime Minister also responded to the Integrity Commission’s announcement that it had decided to investigate allegations against Minister of the People Dr Glenn Ramadharsingh.

Chaguanas West MP Jack Warner, during his campaign for re-election, alleged a Government minister, during his tenure, had acquired six homes, one of which was gifted by a contractor. Ramadharsingh denied the allegations which he described as “baseless.” Persad-Bissessar, commenting on the investigation, said: “That’s their job and their jurisdiction.”

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