Bermuda: proponen realizar controles antidoping a parlamentarios


A policy for the introduction of random, mandatory drug testing of Government members of the Legislature has been drafted.

The One Bermuda Alliance said that was promised in February’s Throne Speech.

Public Safety Minister Michael Dunkley on July 26 he indicated that the policy had been drafted and that it was supported by Cabinet and the OBA’s Parliamentary Caucus.

Mr Dunkley said in a press release: “The policy was not tabled in the House of Assembly but will be accessible on the OBA’s website. This drug testing policy was drafted with the expert assistance of the Ministry Headquarters and the Department for National Drug Control.

«The policy has not yet been circulated beyond Government members of the Legislature but I have given an undertaking to share it with the Opposition and the Independent Members of both Houses.

«As we indicated at the time, all Members are welcome to participate in the testing. This is another means of strengthening our democratic institutions and

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