Bermudas: la oposición marcha hoy contra el Gobierno y “en defensa de la democracia”


Bermuda opposition calls for public protest

The opposition Progressive Labour Party (PLP) has called for a public protest outside Government House on Tuesday “to peacefully protect the future of democracy in Bermuda.”

“No matter our differences in political belief, race, faith, or the walks of life we may come from, we must come together and stand up to protect democracy in our island home of Bermuda,” the PLP said in a statement.

Following a refusal on Thursday by the governor of Bermuda to appoint a commission of inquiry voted for by the island’s House of Assembly, the PLP announced on Friday that it will no longer participate in parliamentary proceedings.

Governor George Fergusson’s decision followed a vote in the House last week to ask that a commission of inquiry should be established to look at “historic losses in Bermuda of citizens’ property through theft of property, dispossession of property, and adverse possession claims” and for compensation if the claims were proved.

The governor said, in a letter to the Speaker of the House, that those concerns “are not clear enough or urgent enough to require a commission of the type proposed.”

However, according to the PLP, that decision is for the lawmakers, the representatives of the people, and the people of this country to determine, not an un-elected governor.

“That is the hallmark of democracy. The stance taken by the governor is an affront to that very democracy,” the PLP said.

“Bermuda, we must stand up to protect our democratic right, and we must stand up for it now. This time, in denying the commission, the governor has violated democracy by refusing to adhere to the will of the people expressed in parliament. What will it be next time?” the PLP concluded.

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