Organización de Estados del Caribe Oriental impulsa proyecto para enfrentar el cambio climático


New project to boost efforts to reduce impact of climate change in OECS

Another new project is underway to further strengthen the ability of the people of the OECS to reduce the risks associated with the impacts of climate change.

The new project, called the global climate change alliance project on climate change adaptation and sustainable land management in the Eastern Caribbean, embraces all nine OECS member states.

The European Union is supporting the project to the tune of 10.6 million Euros.

The OECS Secretariat’s Social and Sustainable Development Division is managing the newly commissioned OECS GCCA Project. Project manager Chamberlain Emmanuel said the initiative is geared at improving the region’s natural resource base resilience to the impacts of climate change through:

• Effective and sustainable land management policy, capacity, awareness, and practices; and

• Implementation of specific physical adaptation measures, including soil and land stabilization, river & sea defense, forest and ecosystem restoration.

Specialists, worried about the likely effects of climate change on the small island spaces and economies of the OECS, expect the impacts to include increased flooding, storm surge, erosion and other coastal hazards, which threaten vital infrastructure, settlements and facilities that support the livelihoods of communities.

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