Trabajadores de Antigua y Barbuda salen a las calles por deudas salariales


Workers in Barbuda to protest non-payment of wages

Antigua – Barbuda Council Workers say they are taking to the streets on Monday to protest the non-payment of wages for the past 15 weeks.

Tina Beazer is one of the Barbuda People’s Movement (BPM) members organising the action.

The Supervisor says the situation is untenable not only because of the financial hardship but because the Barbuda Council is not handling the situation properly.

The Barbuda Council employs just over 500 people.

Beazer says the workers are hoping for answers on Monday.

Well in a strange turn of events, Barbuda Council Chairman Arthur Nibbs has told OBSERVER media that members of the local government will be among the protesting workers on Monday.

He says the employees have a right to be aggrieved as does the Council.

Chairman of the Barbuda Council, Arthur Nibbs.

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