Barbados: oposición impulsa moción de censura contra el ministro de Economía


Opposition debates motion of no-confidence against Barbados finance ministerThe Opposition Barbados Labour Party(BLP), has declared that it is ready to debate a motion of no-confidence brought against Finance Minister Chris Sinckler.

The party filed its papers with the clerk of Parliament last week – charging that Sinckler is out of his depth and his ill conceived economic policies have resulted in untold suffering for Barbadians

On Sunday, the BLP rallied its troops at a mass rally under the theme For Love of Country where it invited Barbadians to sign a petition for the removal of the Finance Minister.

Party officials say more than 5000 Barbadians have already signed the petition.

Opposition Leader Mia Mottley declared that Government’s handling of the economy has been dismal.

“Freundel Stuart and the Cabinet will learn about the illegalities, will learn about the lack of confidence, will learn about the confessions, will learn about the dismal performance or every aspect of this economy.And if they chose to hold up Chris, as opposed to the country, then the future will have to be settled not against Chris but against the Democratic Labour Party Government,” she said.

In supporting the move of the BLP, former Prime Minister Owen Arthur challenged Barbadians to take back the country insisted that the Freundel Stuart administration is unfit to govern.

But the man in the hot seat, Finance Minister Chris Sinckler, has blasted the BLP for what he says is a futile attempt to destablise the country and bring down the government.

Sinckler maintains the no-confidence motion and the petition being spearheaded by the BLP are a waste of time and will be treated as such by the Freundel Stuart administration.

“We have very clear rules and procedures for the appointment and the disappointment or un-appointment of Ministers under the Constitution of Barbados and no petition don’t do that.

No SOS, or SES or MOT- TS [is going to] get rid of no Minister in Barbados.The Prime Minister appoints them and the Prime Minister can disappoint them. And so this is just an exercise in futility. But I want you to understand what is really going on. That petition only has my name on it, but what they really want is to bring down the Government,” Sinckler said.

At another event, the embattled Finance Minister attempted to assure Barbadians that the government is continuing efforts to stabilize the economy.

Sinckler appealed for patience as he insisted there are no quick-fixes to the country’s economic troubles.

“When dealing with troubling times, you know we live in an instantaneous society-I call it the instant coffee society. We expect that everything is going to be done immediately and instantly and instantaneously.Unfortunately in management of public affairs, in governance of people, the instant and the instantaneous nature that some people like to adopt is not necessarily the best thing to happen,” he said.

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