Ministros de Educación del Caribe realizan encuentro en Antigua y Barbuda


Antigua Hosts OECS Ministers Of Education

Antigua and Barbuda will this week host the 23rd meeting of OECS Ministers of Education. The October 14-16 meeting at the Jolly Beach Resort will also include, Permanent Secretaries, Directors of Education and Development Partners, among them CXC, the European Union, World Bank, UNICEF, the Antigua and Barbuda Union of Teachers  and the Commonwealth of Learning among others.

Several critical matters concerning the delivery of education within the sub-region are down for discussion during the closed door sessions.

 The meeting will agree on policies and strategies to advance the implementation of the OECS Education Sector Strategy, secure the support and collaboration of regional agencies and development partners in advancing the education development agenda and share innovative ideas and successful practices that have contributed to educational development at the national level.
Quality and performance are listed on the order paper. Participants will study how well students are doing at examinations.  Dr. Patricia George and Caron Weston of the Ministry of Education Antigua and Barbuda will review mathematics in Antigua and Barbuda and the OECS.
Other topics include a critical review of the Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence (CCSLC) examination, and the Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment, a test being proposed by CXC to replace the Grade Six National Assessment in Caribbean territories.
Chairman of the meeting Dr. Jacqui Quinn-Leandro says she is anticipating the dialogue to be productive, when the working sessions begin on Tuesday.
“I am elated to be hosting my colleague ministers of education in Antigua and Barbuda. We have a very in-depth agenda, which will look at significant issues affecting the education landscape of the region, and I am looking forward to a very engaging and productive conference.”
The 23 meeting of OECS Ministers of Education will be held under the theme: “OECS Education: Building Stronger Alliances to Enhance the Success of Every Learner”.
The meeting’s opening ceremony will be held on Monday evening, and will be aired live on ABS television.

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