Empleados públicos de Barbados reclaman al gobierno aumento de salarios


Unions want to resume pay talks

The leaders of the major trade unions want to resume salary talks with government.

The heads of this country’s major trade unions are now champing at the bit to have salary negotiations for public servants restarted, after Tuesday night’s revelation that Members of Parliament, ministers and parliamentary secretaries will be restored the ten per cent of their salaries removed two years ago.

That amounts to more than $20 000 per annum in some cases. Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU) general secretary Toni Moore, president of the Barbados Secondary Teachers’ Union, Mary Redman, and president of the National Union of Public Workers (NUPW), Akanni McDowall, were all critical of the decision yesterday, but said it would mobilise them to urgently return to negotiations for public servants.







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