Ministros de medio ambiente del Caribe Oriental se reúnen hoy en Anguila


Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) ministers of environment and sustainable development will hold their annual meeting in Anguilla this week. The one day meeting is the seventeenth since its inception and is scheduled for Thursday, October 3.

The brief opening session will be addressed by director of social and sustainable development at the OECS Secretariat, Bentley Browne, and Anguilla’s recently appointed minister of home affairs, natural resources, lands and physical planning, Jerome C Roberts.

This will be the first such meeting for host minister Roberts, who will also chair the entire proceedings.

Officials of the Department of Environment in Anguilla, who are facilitating on-the-ground arrangements for the ministerial meeting, said, “This is important for the people of Anguilla, as it provides an opportunity for us to share environmental concerns and achievements in sustainable development, habitat mapping, and results of our recently conducted eco-system assessments.”

This meeting of ministers will also build on the green economy workshop held earlier this year in February, which looked at streamlining environmental issues into development planning and decision-making, officials said.

Meanwhile, executives from the OECS Secretariat confirmed that all member states will be represented at this year’s meeting.

As part of the agenda for the meeting, ministers are expected to hold talks with development partners and donor agencies on funding needs for undertaking sustainable development related projects and programmes in the region.

The ministers will also receive reports on the environment portfolio of the OECS Secretariat.

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