Antigua y Barbuda hará un referéndum para independizarse de la corona británica


Primer ministro de Antigua y Barbuda anuncia un referéndum para convertirse en república tras la muerte de la reina Isabel II

El primer ministro de Antigua y Barbuda, Gaston Browne, aseguró que convocará un referéndum en el país para convertirse en república en los próximos tres años, en el marco del fallecimiento de la reina Isabel II.

El país caribeño es una de las 14 naciones que mantiene la monarquía británica como su jefe de Estado. De hecho, Browne firmó un documento que confirma el estatus de Carlos III como el nuevo rey.

No obstante, el primer ministro aseguró que trabajará para que se realice un referéndum republicano, tal y como indicó a principios de este año durante una visita de la familia real a las islas.

“Este no es un acto de hostilidad ni ninguna diferencia entre Antigua y Barbuda y la monarquía, pero es el paso final para completar ese círculo de independencia, para garantizar que seamos verdaderamente una nación soberana”, declaró a la cadena de televisión británica ITV.

“Yo diría que probablemente dentro de los próximos tres años”, agregó, cuando se le preguntó por un plazo para la consulta.

Las islas se independizaron en 1981 y Browne considera que una república es la progresión natural. Si el primer ministro es reelegido el próximo año, presentará el referéndum en su nuevo mandato.

La Tercera

Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne plans referendum on replacing the monarchy

The Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne, tells ITV News he will hold a referendum on becoming a republic within three years

Just moments after Charles III was confirmed as King of Antigua and Barbuda, the Caribbean country’s prime minister has told ITV News that he plans to hold a referendum on becoming a republic within three years.

At an Accession ceremony at Government House in the capital St John’s, local dignitaries signed the proclamation confirming the status of their new King.

But the Prime Minister Gaston Browne has made no secret of his aspiration to replace the monarchy and become a republic.

His Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party returned to power in 2014 with Browne now in the eighth year of his premiership.

The islands became independent in 1981, and he considers a republic to be the natural progression.

He told ITV News: “This is a matter that has to be taken to a referendum for the people to decide.

«It does not represent any form of disrespect to the monarch. This is not an act of hostility, or any difference between Antigua and Barbuda and the monarchy.

«It is a final step to complete the circle of independence to become a truly sovereign nation.”

Queen Elizabeth visited Antigua three times during her reign, the most recent in 1985. Prince Charles, as he then was, followed in her footsteps five years ago when he saw recovery efforts following two devastating hurricanes.

Mr Browne is expected to be re-elected next year, and if he does he will introduce the referendum within his next term of office.

He said that it wasn’t a burning issue in the country, and when taking soundings, there hadn’t been any “significant emotional responses. I think most people haven’t even bothered to think about it.”

‘This is not an act of hostility or any difference between Antigua and Barbuda and the monarchy but it is the final step…to ensure that we are truly a sovereign nation’

The Caribbean islands are one one of 14 independent realms who have continued to have the British monarch as their head of state. Barbados voted to become a republic last year.

For most Antiguans their tangible connection to a distant head of state comes when handling the banknotes which contain her portrait.

The East Caribbean dollar is used by several counties in the region. Prime Minister Browne says he still expects new banknotes to be designed featuring King Charles III in due course, regardless of any constitutional changes.


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