El oficialismo gana las elecciones y Keith Rowley gobernará cinco años más


Partido gobernante gana elecciones en Trinidad y Tobago

El gobernante Movimiento Nacional Popular (PNM, por sus siglas en inglés) de Trinidad y Tobago, liderado por el primer ministro, Keith Rowley, se declaró ganador de las elecciones parlamentarias celebradas el lunes, con base en resultados oficiales preliminares.

En un discurso emitido a sus partidarios la noche del lunes, Rowley dio a conocer que el PNM obtuvo la victoria en 22 de los 41 escaños del parlamento que estuvieron en disputa en los comicios, mientras que el Congreso Nacional Unido (UNC) consiguió las restantes 19 bancas.

Rowley, quien estará al frente del Gobierno de la nación caribeña por un nuevo periodo de cinco años, agradeció a sus partidarios, quienes, dijo, fueron fundamentales en la victoria del PNM en las urnas.

 La lideresa del UNC, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, en declaraciones a sus simpatizantes emitidas también la noche del lunes, reconoció la derrota electoral ante el oficialista PNM.

El partido gobernante perdió el escaño del distrito de Moruga ante el UNC. En las votaciones de 2015 el PNM obtuvo 23 bancas parlamentarias y el UNC, 18.

Los resultados oficiales finales serán dados a conocer en el transcurso de este martes por parte de la Comisión de Elecciones y Límites (EBC).

Observaciones de los candidatos y de las personas que concurrieron a los colegios electorales el lunes aseguraron que la participación popular superó a la de los comicios de 2015, cuando 1.082.279 personas ejercieron su derecho al voto. Según estimaciones, acudieron a emitir su voto este lunes más de 1.140.000 electores.


Ver resultados oficiales

PNM earns fresh mandate with 22-19 win

Hard times are ahead for the next two years.

This was the de­c­la­ra­tion from Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley last night as the Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment se­cured a 22-19 seat vic­to­ry over the Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress in the 2020 Gen­er­al Elec­tion.

Just af­ter 10.30 pm, Row­ley ad­dressed a small gath­er­ing at Bal­isi­er House, Port-of-Spain de­clar­ing vic­to­ry in the pan­dem­ic-hit elec­tion and giv­ing his vic­to­ry speech, in which he promised to do his best to lead T&T out of the cur­rent dif­fi­cult and try­ing eco­nom­ic times.

“Tonight, the PNM has won the gen­er­al elec­tions. Tonight, against all odds in a most dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion, the PNM has been called to ser­vice in the gov­ern­ment of T&T for a sec­ond time,” Row­ley said proud­ly.

Say­ing the jour­ney was dif­fi­cult, Row­ley said the PNM had steered the course and de­spite the ad­ver­si­ty, “the peo­ple of T&T had done the right thing.”

He said the PNM had lost many votes from se­nior cit­i­zens who could not come out to vote be­cause of COVID-19.

“In a pan­dem­ic, a num­ber of se­nior cit­i­zens didn’t par­tic­i­pate, the young peo­ple came to the fore and this vic­to­ry is large­ly the in­volve­ment of youths,” Row­ley said.

“The fu­ture in T&T is bright. We have dif­fi­cult days ahead but as dark show­ers will bring thun­der and light­ning, af­ter that there is bright sun­shine. The pas­sage of the storm is to sur­vive and then en­joy the good weath­er,” he said.

But he warned, “The next two years will be very dif­fi­cult but dur­ing that pe­ri­od we are re­quired to do things to be in a bet­ter po­si­tion to en­joy a brighter fu­ture. Elec­tions tonight are over and to­mor­row the elec­tions are be­hind us. Let’s be one peo­ple to­geth­er, work­ing to­geth­er. In this pe­ri­od, let’s put aside per­son­al slights, per­son­al wants and look at the na­tion­al needs, es­pe­cial­ly those who can’t look af­ter them­selves.”

He added, “The gov­ern­ment will play a role and build an econ­o­my in such a way that all of us are lift­ed by the ris­ing tide and say moth­er Trinidad has been good.”

He said all the mea­sures that the PNM planned will be ex­e­cut­ed.

“I will re­turn to of­fice in White­hall as the Prime Min­is­ter of T&T. We con­test­ed hard,” he said.
The Prime Min­is­ter urged the coun­try to make changes in the short term which will bring ben­e­fits lat­er on.

“We have made com­mit­ments and we will car­ry out the com­mit­ments and we have a man­date and by God we will do what we said we will do,” he vowed.

He al­so hint­ed that the next five years will be his last term in po­lit­i­cal of­fice. He smiled coy­ly and hugged his wife Sharon as he de­clared his in­ten­tion.

Row­ley said he planned to hand the man­tle to young politi­cians whom he has been men­tor­ing.

“To all can­di­dates who have not won a seat, you are win­ners, your par­ty has won the gen­er­al elec­tions. We will pro­vide sta­ble and sober lead­er­ship,” he said

With the elec­tion over, Row­ley urged the coun­try to “go back to be­ing one peo­ple.” He said the pri­or­i­ty now must be to en­sure that no one is left be­hind and that those least able to take care of them­selves must be looked af­ter.

He vowed to dig­i­tize the coun­try and ex­pand the econ­o­my in agri­cul­ture af­ter he picks his Cab­i­net this week.

Dr Row­ley al­so paid trib­ute to his wife Sharon as well as the PNM’s pub­lic re­la­tions of­fi­cer Lau­ra Leza­ma-Lee Singh.

He al­so said he was pleased that COVID-19 pro­to­cols were ad­hered to.

Al­though the PNM de­clared vic­to­ry, the po­lit­i­cal leader of the Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar re­fused to con­cede de­feat. In­stead, Per­sad-Bisses­sar an­nounced that the UNC will be ask­ing for re­counts in mar­gin­al ar­eas.

“We fought a good fight. How­ev­er, tonight I am not giv­ing a con­ces­sion­ary speech. I am not con­ced­ing. Our can­di­dates in sev­er­al mar­gin­als are fil­ing for re­counts and on­ly then we can con­cede. Go brave, we fought a good fight and we will con­tin­ue to go and fight,” Per­sad-Bisses­sar said.

She added, “I am some­what sur­prised by the re­sults. The fights are not over un­til the re­counts are done. Our par­ty did very well, we could have done bet­ter. We fought a clean fight. It’s not over. There will be re­counts.”

She con­grat­u­lat­ed the UNC Moru­ga/Table­land can­di­date Michelle Ben­jamin and Princes Town can­di­date Bar­ry Padarath who won their seats.


Kamla: It’s not over

Por Yvonne Webb y Clint Chan Tack

Moments after the Prime Minister declared victory in Monday’s general election, UNC leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar said she had no intention of declaring defeat.

Unofficial results showed the PNM had retained 22 of its 23 seats and the UNC had gained one more than it previously held for a total of 19 seats.

However, in an address to the media and party faithful at her Siparia constituency office, Persad-Bissessar declared shortly before midnight, “I have no intention to give any concessionary speech.”

She said the party and candidates in three marginal seats will call for recounts “because the numbers are so close. Only then will we claim victory or concede. That’s the way forward for us.”

She told her followers and re-elected MP Barry Padarath, whose Princes Town candidacy had been challenged, that they fought a good fight.

She singled out and congratulated Moruga Tableland winning candidate Michelle Benjamin, who beat the PNM’s Winston “Gypsy” Peters.

Persad-Bissessar said she was somewhat surprised by the results, but assured, “The fight is not over.”

Asked if her campaign strategy would have cost her the prime ministership, she said the party could have done better “but our party has done very well.”

Indarsingh: Kamla

is our leader

UNC Couva South MP Rudranath Indarsingh said Kamla Persad-Bissessar remains the party’s leader and there is no need for her to step down after Monday’ general election defeat.

Speaking with reporters after the UNC lost the election 22-19 to the PNM, Indarsingh said, “The UNC has one leader. That leader is Mrs Kamla Persad-Bissessar.”

He said the UNC will do a post-mortem of the election but there was no need for Persad-Bissessar to be replaced.

The party is resilient, he said, and took comfort in wresting Moruga/Tableland from the PNM.

He said he did not know of Persad-Bissessar’s announcement that the UNC would challenge the results in three marginal seats.

Asked where things went wrong, Indarsingh said the party had to fight the election in a different way because of the covid19 pandemic.

He remained confident the UNC’s 19 winning candidates would hold the PNM accountable in and out of Parliament.




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