Jamaica: el atleta Usain Bolt da positivo en coronavirus tras festejar su cumpleaños con 300 personas


Usain Bolt, positivo por coronavirus tras su fiesta de cumpleaños

El ocho veces campeón olímpico Usain Bolt ha dado positivo por coronavirus tras celebrar una fiesta el pasado sábado con motivo de su 34º cumpleaños, según ha desvelado el ministro de sanidad de Jamaica, Christopher Tufton.

Bolt, que permanecía en cuarentena desde que se realizó el test, no había tenido síntomas de la enfermedad. Sin embargo, los vídeos de la fiesta -difundidos en redes sociales- invitaban a pensar que pudo haber contagios por la ausencia de mascarillas y distancia social.

El plusmarquista mundial de los 100 y 200 metros organizó una fiesta numerosa a la que acudieron, entre otros, el futbolista del Manchester United Raheem Sterling, y el jugador del Bayern Leverkusen Leon Bailey.

La policía sigue investigando si hubo algún delito en la fiesta, dijo el primer ministro de Jamaica, Andrew Holness. Jamaica ha tenido 1.612 infecciones por el coronavirus y 16 muertes relacionadas, según cifras oficiales.

20 minutos

Jamaica’s Track Legend Usain Bolt Tests Positive for Coronavirus

Por Howard Campbell

Jamaica’s track legend Usain Bolt has tested positive for coronavirus, the country’s health minister Christopher Tufton confirmed here late Monday.

Tufton said the multiple Olympic and World Championship gold medalist was informed of the result by the ministry. He was tested on Saturday.

In a video posted to social media, the retired sprinter said he was tested for an overseas business trip.

He stated that while not experiencing any symptoms, he placed himself in quarantine.

“I am going to quarantine myself and wait on the confirmation to see what is the protocol and how I should go about quarantining myself,” Bolt said.

Meanwhile, prime minister Andrew Holness told media that the police are investigating circumstances surrounding Bolt’s 34th  birthday party here on August 21.

Videos posted on social media showed Bolt and patrons partying without masks and no social distancing.

His guests reportedly included star soccer players Raheem Sterling of Manchester City and Leon Bailey of Bayer Leverkusen.

Holness added that the police will report soon on their investigation.

Bolt is the latest high-profile Jamaican to test positive for the coronavirus. Others include the country’s police commissioner, a parish mayor and businessman Chris Dehring.

The health ministry has reported a spike in coronavirus cases as Jamaicans prepare for general elections on September 3. Holness’ Jamaica Labour Party are seeking a second straight term against the opposition People’s National Party.

Both parties have suspended their campaigns.

Jamaica has 16 fatalities from the coronavirus with 83 new cases reported between Sunday and Monday.

The total number of confirmed infections on the island is 1,612.

Caribbean News



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