Guyana celebra 54 aniversario de independencia mientras espera resultados de las elecciones presidenciales


Guyana celebra aniversario 54 de independencia

Guyana celebra este martes virtualmente el aniversario 54 de su independencia en medio del proceso de recuento de votos de las elecciones del 2 de marzo último y la amenaza de la pandemia de la Covid-19.

Artistas nacionales protagonizarán a las 22:30 hora local la exhibición virtual y cultural de la jornada histórica a través del canal 11 de la Red Nacional de Comunicaciones y de las plataformas digitales, con un mensaje de resiliencia, innovación y sostenibilidad.

En un mensaje difundido por el Departamento de Información, el presidente David Granger recordó a los guyaneses los sacrificios realizados en el camino hacia ganar el autogobierno el 26 de mayo de 1966.

Granger señaló que el 2020 marca el comienzo de la Década del Desarrollo del país en todos los sectores, con el aumento de los salarios y las pensiones, la mejora de los servicios públicos en las cuatro nuevas ciudades capitales regionales, además de mayores oportunidades de educación y empleo.

Durante el discurso a la nación, el jefe de Estado resaltó el avance en la industria petrolera y como la transformación de la economía del país se acelerará y permitirá desarrollos significativos en sectores clave como la educación, las telecomunicaciones y el medio ambiente.

A nivel internacional, el mandatario puntualizó en el incremento de las relaciones diplomáticas con otras naciones sobre los principios del respeto mutuo de la integridad y soberanía territorial y la no injerencia en los asuntos internos de cada uno.

En el contexto de la pandemia de la Covid-19, Granger convocó a los guyaneses a disfrutar del 54 aniversario de la independencia de una manera moderada.

La nación reporta hasta hoy 137 enfermos, 62 pacientes recuperados y 11 fallecidos.

Tras años de lucha, la Guyana británica fue gestionada como colonia hasta 1953 y logró su independencia el 26 de mayo de 1966, en el seno de la Mancomunidad de Naciones del Commonwealth.

Cuatro años más tarde, el 23 de febrero de 1970, el país caribeño devino República Cooperativa de Guyana.

Radio La Primerísima

‘Await official elections results, observe 54th Independence Day in restrained manner’- President Granger

President David Granger in his message on the occasion of Guyana’s 54th Independence Anniversary urged persons to celebrate in a restrained manner as the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has not permitted public celebrations.

As Guyana celebrates this year’s anniversary in the middle of an electoral process, the President further urged citizens to await the declaration of the results of the General and Regional Elections which were held on March 2.

“The Elections Commission, which is the sole authority charged with administering the elections in accordance with our Constitution, has responded in an orderly and lawful manner to the challenges which have arisen,” the President noted.

See full President’s message on the occasion of Guyana’s 54th Independence anniversary


We celebrate the 54th Anniversary of Independence recalling the sacrifice, suffering and struggle of our working people who struck the first blows against colonial oppression one hundred and fifteen years ago in Georgetown.

We remember the militancy of the workers who were shot by the colonial police in the Ruimveldt Riots of 1905, an incident which led to the formation of our first trade union and the start of the labour movement.

We recall that workers’ rebellions which erupted throughout the British West Indies in succeeding decades, forced the Imperial Government to ameliorate living and working conditions. Britain’s response initiated a constitutional revolution and, eventually, led to Independence for its Caribbean colonies. British Guiana, as part of the labour movement and the Independence movement, achieved its Independence on 26th May 1966.

Guyana, as a sovereign state, established diplomatic relations with scores of other states on the principles of mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, respect for treaties and international law and the rejection of the use of force to settle international disputes, among others.


I announced, in my New Year’s message, the launch of the Decade of Development: 2020-2029 which charted a roadmap for development to provide a ‘good life’ for everyone.

Guyana has embarked on a path towards enhancing public education; expanding the economy; extending public infrastructure; ensuring human safety, public security and territorial integrity; reforming the constitution; improving governance; intensifying social protection, social cohesion and Indigenous peoples’ well-being; developing the energy sector and protecting the environment.

Workers and persons in difficult circumstances have started to benefit from increased wages and pensions, improved public services in the four new regional capital towns, improved education and employment opportunities and enhanced empowerment through regular local government elections.

Guyanese can look forward to enjoying greater equality and a higher quality of life in an expanding economy over the next decade.

We have become a ‘petroleum state’ in which the proceeds from the petroleum industry will contribute to transforming the economy.

We are on a path towards becoming a ‘green state’ which will promote the preservation and protection of our environment and the adoption of renewable energy technologies.

We have launched the ‘digital state’ by extending the use of information and communication technology to ensure connectivity in every region.

We are on a path towards becoming an ‘education nation’, aiming at universal primary and secondary schooling and free education at the University of Guyana.


I urge you to observe the 54th Anniversary of Independence in a restrained manner. The emergency measures imposed in response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have not permitted public celebrations.

I urge you, also, to await the declaration of the results of the General and Regional Elections which were held on 2nd March. The Elections Commission, which is the sole authority charged with administering the elections in accordance with our Constitution, has responded in an orderly and lawful manner to the challenges which have arisen.


The Decade of Development will be the most exciting and exhilarating era in our nation’s history. Happy Independence to everyone at home and in the diaspora!

May God continue to bless our homeland!


US wants APNU/AFC to “respect voters’ wishes”

In an Independence Day message to Guyana, Pompeo said, “your anniversary is especially meaningful this year, as Guyana stands on the brink of a new and more prosperous era. We urge the Government to respect the wishes of the voters, as peacefully expressed in the March 2 election. Any recount should be conducted in a free, fair, transparent, and credible manner.”

He added that the US stood with the people of Guyana, who want their voices heard.

He extended greetings on behalf of the Government and people of the United States.

“…congratulations to the people of Guyana on your nation’s 54th Independence Day…Once again, I extend my congratulations as you proudly celebrate your Independence Day,” Pompeo said.

Since the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections, the US has expressed its commitment to ensuring that the process is transparent and credible. Following the two fraudulent tabulations by Region Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo, the US Government warned election authorities, “to follow accepted procedures and allow international observers to verify the results”.

Only recently, US Ambassador to Guyana, Sarah-Ann Lynch reminded that the threat of sanctions still hung over Guyana’s head over electoral fraud.

Lynch explained that sanctions ranged in seriousness from targeted measures such as individual visa restrictions to financial measures that could impact the economy.

“You’ve seen some of the statements coming out of Washington. Secretary (of State Mike) Pompeo. Assistant Secretary (Michael) Kozak. The National Security Council. They have been very strong. And Secretary Pompeo did point to serious consequences if the democratic process, the rule of law, and the principles of democracy are not followed in Guyana,” Lynch said.

Guyana Times 


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