Dominica: primer ministro presenta programa de gobierno de cara a las elecciones


El primer ministro de Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit, afirmó este martes que su partido presentó el programa de Gobierno de cara a las elecciones del próximo 6 de diciembre antes de la fecha límite.

Skerrit aseguró que “la elección es clara”, solo días después de que la ministra de Asuntos Exteriores, Francine Baron, expresara que los comicios venideros transcurrirán bajo las mismas normativas electorales que lo han hecho durante los últimos 40 años.

Baron respondía así a las declaraciones del secretario general de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), Luis Almagro, quien apoyó el llamado de la oposición a una reforma electoral antes de los comicios.

La canciller pidió a la OEA denunciar los actos de violencia en esta jornada electoral e instó a los países y organizaciones abstenerse de expresar declaraciones que puedan considerarse intentos de injerencia en el proceso electoral del país antillano.

A su vez, el presidente de la Organización de los Estados del Caribe Oriental, Gaston Browne, cuestionó la viabilidad de implementar la reforma en la Nación, solo semanas antes de las elecciones generales, advirtiendo que no existe crisis constitucional.

El pasado domingo, el primer ministro y líder del Partido Laborista de Dominica, acusó al líder opositor del Partido Unificado de los Trabajadores (UWP), Lennox Linton, por incurrir en actividades deshonestas para ganar las elecciones del 6 de diciembre.

Skerrit, en declaraciones a medios locales declaró que Linton, intenta traer extranjeros a Dominica para ayudarlo a tomar el control del país, «está pidiendo ayuda a la OEA. Quiere lograr un cambio de Gobierno sin enfrentar las elecciones», aseveró.

El primer ministro exhortó a los dominicanos a mantener la calma y ejercer la moderación conforme se acerca la fecha de las elecciones.

La pasada semana suscitaron incidentes violentos entre policías y cerca de 200 manifestantes que exigían una reforma electoral que incluya la introducción de tarjetas de identificación para votar y actualización del registro electoral, entre otras medidas.


Preliminary and Supplementary Registers for elections are final; no further amendments says Electoral office

The Electoral Office of Dominica informs the public that, as required by law, the Preliminary and Supplementary Registers as having been issued, will constitute the final lists for the December 6, 2019, general elections.

No further amendments may, therefore, be made to them by the Electoral Office, in accordance with regulation 40 of the Registration of Electors Regulations.

Regulation 40 states as follows:

“The register of electors shall be closed to alterations on the date on which notice of an election is given” Upon the publication of the Preliminary Register on September 30, 2019, notice was given that the deadline for the filing of claims and objections was November 19, 2019.

This notice was issued pursuant to Regulation 32 (3) of the Registration of Electors Regulations. However, this was before His Excellency issued the writs for elections under the Public Seal.

Consequently, this notice has, by operation of law, been superseded by the issuance of the writs for elections on November 6, 2019, pursuant to sections 16 and 17 of the Registration of Electors Act.

Section 12 (1) of the House of Assembly (Elections) Act gives the President the power to issue writs for elections, under the Public Seal. Section 12 (2) requires that the date for nomination be declared and mandates that the election be held not less than 15 days and no more than 21 days from nomination day. The writs for elections were issued on November 6, 2019,

Nomination Day was held on November 19, 2019 and the general elections set for December 06, 2019. As section 16 (b) of the Registration of Electors Act permits the removal of those ordered to be removed after an objection within 5 days of the writs, this would not constitute an alteration of the Register, but the removal of names from the Supplementary List by operation of law.

Section 16 (b) of the Act and Regulation 40 therefore, would not allow the preparation of the register to be delayed, to permit for the hearing of objections filed after the writs were published.

Notices of objection submitted to the Electoral Office will be reviewed and those deemed validly filed will be dealt with in accordance with the law.

Dominica News


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