ExxonMobil anuncia nuevos descubrimientos de petróleo en Guyana


ExxonMobil anuncia el decimocuarto descubrimiento en el Bloque Stabroek de Guyana

ExxonMobil anunció ayer que realizó un descubrimiento de petróleo en el Bloque Stabroek frente a la costa de Guyana en el pozo Tripletail-1 en el área de Turbot. El descubrimiento se suma al recurso recuperable estimado previamente anunciado de más de 6 mil millones de barriles equivalentes de petróleo en el Bloque Stabroek.

El pozo Tripletail-1 encontró aproximadamente 108 pies (33 metros) de un reservorio de arenisca con petróleo de alta calidad. El Tripletail-1, perforado en 6.572 pies (2.003 metros) de agua, se encuentra aproximadamente a 3 millas (5 kilómetros) al noreste del descubrimiento de Longtail. Una vez completadas las operaciones en Tripletail, el buque Noble Tom Madden perforará luego el pozo Uaru-1, ubicado aproximadamente a 6 millas (10 kilómetros) al este del campo Liza.

“Este descubrimiento ayuda a informar aún más el desarrollo del área de Turbot”, dijo Mike Cousins, vicepresidente senior de exploración y nuevas empresas en ExxonMobil. “Junto con nuestros socios, ExxonMobil está implementando capacidades líderes en la industria para identificar proyectos que se pueden desarrollar de manera eficiente y rentable”.

Las actividades de exploración y desarrollo están avanzando en otras partes del Bloque Stabroek en la costa de Guyana. La perforadora Stena Carron actualmente está perforando el pozo Ranger-2 y al finalizar realizará una prueba de pozo en Yellowtail-1. El buque de perforación Noble Bob Douglas está completando actualmente las operaciones de perforación de desarrollo para el proyecto Fase 1 de Liza. ExxonMobil agregará un cuarto buque de perforación, el Noble Don Taylor, en octubre de 2019 a medida que continúa la optimización de los planes de perforación en función de los resultados de los pozos y el estudio continuo de la cuenca.

El desarrollo de la Fase 1 de Liza está programado para comenzar a principios de 2020 y producirá hasta 120.000 barriles de petróleo por día utilizando la unidad de almacenamiento y descarga de producción flotante (FPSO) Liza Destiny, que llegó a Guyana el 29 de agosto de 2019.

ExxonMobil aprobó la financiación para el desarrollo de la Fase 2 de Liza después de recibir las aprobaciones gubernamentales y reguladoras en mayo de 2019. Se espera que comience a mediados de 2022, el proyecto planea usar el FPSO de Liza Unity para producir hasta 220.000 barriles de petróleo por día. A la espera de las aprobaciones del gobierno, un tercer desarrollo, el inicio de Payara podría ser tan temprano como 2023 y la producción alcanzaría un estimado de 220.000 barriles de petróleo por día.

El Stabroek Block tiene 6.6 millones de acres (26,800 kilómetros cuadrados). Esso Exploration and Production, filial de ExxonMobil, Guyana Limited es el operador y tiene una participación del 45 por ciento en el Bloque Stabroek. Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. tiene una participación del 30 por ciento y CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited, una subsidiaria de propiedad total de CNOOC Limited, tiene una participación del 25 por ciento.

La Patilla

Exxon, Tullow find more oil offshore Guyana

Oil companies ExxonMobil and Tullow have made their 14th and 2nd oil finds respectively offshore Guyana, bringing the tally of wells that have struck oil to 16 and increasing the prospects that Guyana is sitting on more than six billion barrels of oil.

In the case of Exxon, it announced on Monday that it encountered 108 feet of oil reservoir in its Tripletail well, boosting its estimated recoverable barrels of oil. The announcement was made by way of a press release early Monday morning. According to the press release, the Noble Tom Madden drillship made the well in 6572 feet of water.

Director, Department of Energy, Dr. Mark Bynoe talks about Guyana's 15th and 16th oil discoveries

Director, Department of Energy, Dr. Mark Bynoe talks about Guyana's 15th and 16th oil discoveries

Publicado por Office of the President en Lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2019

The Tripletail-1 well, according to Exxon, is located in the Turbot area just three miles from the previous discovery. The company noted that after work is finished at Tripletail, the drillship will next drill the Uaru-1 well.

The release also featured comments from Senior Vice President of exploration at Exxon, Mike Cousins. According to the Vice President, with this discovery Exxon would be working along with its partners on the further development of the area.

“This discovery helps to further inform the development of the Turbot area. Together with our partners, ExxonMobil is (seeking) to identify projects that can be developed efficiently and in a cost-effective way.

Meanwhile, Exxon’s country manager, Rod Henson noted that more evaluations were necessary before their resource numbers are updated. At the same time, Henson was upbeat about the discovery in Tripletail.

“This is more good news for Guyana. We would have to do some more research work before we update any resource numbers. (But) this is good news for Guyana. We’re very pleased to be working here. Before you drill the first well, you never know. You have to drill, which is indicated by a couple of the unsuccessful wells,” Henson said on the sidelines of an event on Monday.

Previously, Exxon had made its 13th oil discovery at the Yellowtail well in April of this year. Monday’s announcement means that there is now well in excess of six billion oil equivalent barrels of oil in Stabroek.


On the same day that ExxonMobil announced an oil find, Tullow also revealed that it has made its second oil find in just a matter of weeks; this time the British company is celebrating the discovery of 14 metres of oil reservoirs.
According to the oil company in a statement, the well was drilled by the Stena Forth drillship. The company revealed that evaluations of the logging and sampling data confirmed that the well had 14 metres of net oil potential.

According to Tullow, it will now evaluate data from this and its recent discovery in Jethro well, as well as wait for the results from its Carapa well to determine the way forward. The Carapa well, which is on the Kanuku licence, will be drilled later in the month.

In the release, Tullow’s Exploration Director, Angus McCoss noted that the discovery increased the potential in the Orinduik Block. He also alluded to the block having multibillion-barrel potential.

The fact that two oil finds were announced on the same day was a prevailing topic at a seminar on Monday for capacity building in the oil sector. At the event, Department of Energy Head, Dr Mark Bynoe noted the importance of Tullow’s and Exxon’s discoveries.

The energy czar also assured that his department is working to build its capacity. Dr Bynoe warned, however, that there was still a long road ahead before actual production begins in the most recent finds.

“The average rate from discovery to appraisal to development to production is between four to five years. So again, it’s important that we temper expectations. Because it’s not as soon as you discover, you move to production.

“These wells will now have to be appraised, in terms of their commerciality, expected projected resource flow, then developed, before you move into production… we now have to do further tests to determine potential; barrel equivalency before we make that projection,” Dr Bynoe added.

Tullow Guyana BV is the operator of the Orinduik Block, with a 60 per cent stake. Total E&P Guyana BV holds 25 per cent with the remaining 15 per cent being held by Eco (Atlantic) Guyana Inc.

It was announced in July that Qatar’s State oil company is looking to enter into Guyana’s oil market with a farm-in deal through Total that could see them obtaining stakes in both the Orinduik and Kanuku Blocks.

Guyana Times


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