Dominica: primer ministro denuncia llamado a la violencia por parte de la oposición


El primer ministro de Dominicana, Roosevelt Skerrit, denunció a grupos violentos de la oposición dominicana que guiados por líderes del establishment político causaron destrozos en la capital Roseau.

«Activistas de partidos políticos de oposición llevan a cabo acciones violentas contra las fuerzas policiales de Dominica, sometiéndoles a injurias, además, destruyen propiedades del Estado, esto sucede por un comportamiento descontrolado», dijo el primer ministro.

Los manifestantes exigen la renuncia de Roosevelt por supuesto fraude. En las protestas lanzaron piedras y botellas, rompieron las vitrinas de las tiendas y saquearon. Algunos también bloquearon carreteras e iniciaron pequeños incendios en las calles.

«Anteriormente, los partidos que se oponían a un Gobierno manifestaban su inconformidad de manera sana pero nunca habíamos visto en nuestra historia a dirigentes llamar a la violencia», afirmó Roosevelt.

Los dirigentes del Partido Unido de los Trabajadores (UWP, por su sigla en inglés), el partido político de centro, fueron los responsables del ataque hacia la policía y la destrucción de propiedades de Roseau.

Dominica es un país del Caribe que demuestra su apoyo hacia el Gobierno de Venezuela e insta a la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) a no intervenir en los asuntos internos de ese país y respetar su soberanía.


Opposers of amendments to the House of Assembly (Election) Act claim victory

Those who opposed amendments to the House of Assembly (Electoral) Act are claiming victory after Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit announced on Thursday that debate on the matter in parliament will be adjourned without further considerations.

The Prime Minister made the announcement on the controversial amendments in an address to the nation, saying it was the best thing to do to due to threats by those who oppose them and to avoid confrontation.

“I have today advised the Honourable Speaker of the House, that Parliament should re-convene as agreed tomorrow morning, but adjourned without further consideration of matters of the Order Paper,” he stated.

The amendments were staunchly opposed by the opposition on the basis that they will legalize bribery and treating which are electoral offences in Dominica.

Opposers gathered around parliament on Tuesday to express their greviances. At one point the police fired warning shots when protest attempted to storm barricades around the building.

After the Prime Minister’s announcement, opposers of the amendments quickly took to social media to claim victory.

“Victory to the many brave Dominincans who stood their ground… Power to the people,” one person wrote on Facebook.

Another wrote, “Power to the People.. a law like that would make Dominicans be the Laughing stalk of the Caribbean.”

But not everyone seemed to be happy about the entire matter.

“These protesters I don’t think they know their head from their foot and I even wonder if they know what they’re protesting about,” one person wrote.

Others believe the Prime Minister made the right decision.

“Great job pm God bless you,” one person wrote, while another said, “That’s how a real man thinks…..blessings Pm.”

Dominica News Online

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