Caricom prepara la misión de observación para las elecciones del próximo domingo


Contexto Nodal
Luego de la anulación de las elecciones celebradas en octubre de 2015, los haitianos vuelven a las urnas para elegir presidente este domingo. Más de 20 candidatos competirán para el cargo. Entre ellos, encabezan las intenciones de voto quienes quedaron en primer y segundo lugar en las elecciones del año pasado: Jovenel Moise, del Partido Haitiano Tet Kale (PHTK) y Jude Celestin, de la liga alternativa para el Progreso y el Empoderamiento de Haití.

CARICOM to monitor elections in Haiti

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is mounting a CARICOM Electoral Observer Mission for the presidential elections in Haiti scheduled for Sunday, 9 October, 2016.

Dr. Steve Surujbally, Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission will lead the Mission which was requested by Haiti’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Hon. Pierrot Délienne. Other members of the Mission will include experts in electoral management from Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago.

On October 9, voters in Haiti will elect a new president following the accepted but discarded presidential and legislative elections of 25 October 2015. The presidential candidates who had led in the October 2015 poll are amongst the 27 now vying for the presidency.

If one of the 27 presidential candidates does not obtain over 50 per cent of the vote, a runoff will take place on January 8, 2017. Voters will also elect a third of Senate seats, along with representatives to fill thousands of municipal posts.

For CARICOM, election observation serves as a platform to support existing democratic traditions within the Community as part of its wider policy of supporting democracy.


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