El ministro de Educación convoca a iniciar un debate sobre la homosexualidad


Let’s accept gays – Barbados Education Minister

Minister of Education Ronald Jones believes the time has come for Barbadians to stop turning a blind eye and accept the fact that gay relationships were now part of our culture.

Speaking today during debate on the Domestic Violence Amendment Bill 2016, Jones said the country must also accept that domestic did not only relate to heterosexual relationships.

The minister insisted that just as people continually turned a blind eye to domestic violence among hetrosexuals, they were doing the same as it related to relationships between people of the same sex.

“I want persons in this country to understand that it is no longer a situation of domestic abuse of male on female, or female on male or where children are caught up . . . but today, with contemporary lifestyles it might very well be female on female and male on male,” the minister stated.

“This country lives with a certain level of hypocrisy. So now that we are pulling out of the shadows the violence within heterosexual relationships, we need to pull out of the shadows as well, the violence, domestic as it is, [in gay relationships].

Dominica News Online


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