San Vicente y las Granadinas: Anuncian que la planta de energía geotérmica comenzará a funcionar en 2018


Proyecto geotérmico San Vicente en la pista para la puesta en marcha en 2018

The geothermal energy project in St Vincent is on track to start-up in 2018, according to Peter Williams, a representative of Emera Caribbean Limited, one of the companies that is partnering with the government of St Vincent and the Grenadines to execute the project.

Williams told a group of stakeholders at a luncheon on Friday that his company is on track to move to the drilling phase of the project. He says they should get to this stage by the second quarter of 2016.

Williams said that, after the drilling is done, wells will be set up and the environmental analysis completed, following which they will begin work on the geothermal energy plant at the end of 2016.

Williams said the aim of the project is to bring stable pricing and a lower cost to energy consumers. He said although the upfront cost is high, it will be cost-effective in the long run.

Caribbean News Now

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