Haití: Gobierno asegura fondos para comicios parlamentarios y el proceso electoral ya está en marcha


Haiti – Elections : More than one billion gourdes already disbursed by the Treasury

In a statement, the Ministry of Economy and Finance informs the political parties in particular and the general population, that «the government continues to strictly respect its commitments to support, from the public treasury, funding of the electoral process already underway.

Thus, apart from the amount of 600 million gourdes paid to the account of the trust fund managed by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) [manager of all electoral funds], disbursements amounting 255.3 million Gourdes in addition of an advance of 221 millions gourdes were made in favor of the Electoral Institution to respectively finance its operations and electoral activities themselves.

In total, it’s over one billion seventy-six million Gourdes that have already been disbursed by the Treasury Publuc in favor of the electoral process.

The Ministry wishes to stress that all requests provided by the Provisional Electoral Council were executed or about to be in their entirety including, those related to the financing of the security apparatus in strengthening the National Police of Haiti.

The request received at the Ministry this Monday, July 27 for party financing will be executed shortly.

Haití Libre

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