La Commonwealth respalda a Guyana en disputa fronteriza con Venezuela


El Secretario General de la Commonwealth, Kamalesh Sharma, aseguró al gobierno de Guyana el compromiso de esa mancomunidad de naciones a su llegada el sábado a Georgetown.

“La Commonwealth se erige como uno y habla con una sola voz en nuestro compromiso con la soberanía y la integridad territorial de Guyana. Somos una asociación de 53 estados miembros en todo el mundo que representa una cuarta parte de los miembros de las Naciones Unidas. Los gobiernos miembros de la Commonwealth, individual y colectivamente, también se han comprometido a la solución pacífica de las controversias y al imperio de la ley” dijo, según reseña The Gleaner (en inglés)

Sharma, quien se reunirá con funcionarios del gobierno presidido por David Granger, dijo que la Commonwealth se ha “movido con rapidez y de manera adecuada en la solidaridad colectiva con Guyana“.

El secretario general ha convocado una reunión del Grupo Ministeria de la Commonwealth, que se reunirá en Nueva York en septiembre. El tema también se ha colocado en la agenda de la reunión de Ministros de Asuntos Exteriores de la Commonwealth, que también se celebrará en Nueva York en septiembre.

En la última reunión de Jefes de Gobierno de la Commonwealth, celebrada en Sri Lanka en 2013 , los líderes de la Commonwealth, “… reafirmaron su apoyo inequívoco para el mantenimiento y la preservación de la soberanía y la integridad territorial de Guyana“, dijo Sharma en un comunicado

A raíz de la controversia, Guyana también estaría pidiendo al Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas, Ban Ki-Moon, que inste a la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) para que se pronuncie sobre el Laudo Arbitral de 1899 en un esfuerzo por resolver la controversia fronteriza que ya tiene 60 años.

Venezuela al Día

Territorial claim…Commonwealth supports Guyana in border and territory dispute with Venezuela

The Commonwealth of Nations has made it pellucidly clear that they are standing in solidarity with Guyana as the controversy with its neighbour, Venezuela over the country’s oil-rich territory continues to brew.

“The Commonwealth stands as one and speaks with one voice in our commitment to Guyana’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We are an association of 53 member states worldwide accounting for one quarter of the United Nations membership,” said the Commonwealth Secretary-General, Kamalesh Sharma on his arrival in Guyana on Saturday, last.

Sharma, who is here for meetings with political leaders, pointed out that “Commonwealth member governments, individually and collectively, are also committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes and to the rule of law.”

The Secretary-General noted that there have been “recent developments including a claim by a neighbouring country over Guyana’s land and maritime areas, and the Commonwealth has moved swiftly and appropriately in collective solidarity with Guyana.”

For the past month, Guyana and its western neighbour, Venezuela have been making headlines internationally owing to a controversy over a large block of the former’s territorial waters.

Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro, on May 27, last, had issued a decree, extending his country’s claim to Guyana’s territorial waters. Accompanying the decree, a map was issued which showed that the claim includes the area where the US giant oil company, ExxonMobil is currently drilling for oil by provision of the Guyanese government.

Maduro’s decree came on the heels of the announcement that a hefty amount of hydrocarbons (oil) was found; these quantities are being regarded by Guyana’s leaders as enough to significantly transform the country’s financial fortunes.

Already, one of the South American countries has spoken out in favour of Guyana. Recently, the Colombian government issued a statement rejecting Venezuela’s decree.

And according to the Commonwealth Head, all Commonwealth Foreign Ministers have been kept informed of the developments.
The statement added that the Secretary-General has convened the Commonwealth Ministerial Group on Guyana, which is now scheduled to meet in New York in September.

The UK-based body added that this situation affecting Guyana has also been placed on the agenda of the Commonwealth Foreign Affairs Ministers Meeting, which is also taking place in New York in September.

At the last Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, held in Sri Lanka in 2013, the Commonwealth leaders, “…reaffirmed their unequivocal support for the maintenance and preservation of Guyana’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

”The Commonwealth remains steadfast in its support for the Government and people of Guyana,” the Secretary-General concluded.
Recently, Foreign Affairs Minister, Carl Greenidge had revealed that Venezuela is threatening to use force to deprive Guyana of its territory, but he declared that the Government of Guyana intends to “utilize all tools available to us to defend our national interest.”

Greenidge said that the decree is quite dangerous and very much illegal by the standards of International Law. He said that in light of such, Guyana continues to prepare for eventualities.

Venezuela media recently reported that Maduro was set to address the current conflict with Guyana in the Venezuelan National Assembly on Friday last, while threatening military action against any perceived “infractions.”

He is quoted as saying ”I will denounce international manoeuvres…to provoke Venezuela, (it) will not be, and I’ll summon the civil union, (the) military to defend our country, our land and our historical positions.”
His address on the matter will be done tomorrow.

Guyana’s government has notified several international bodies, including the Organisation of American States (OAS) and Union of South American Nations (UNASUR).

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