Diferendo territorial con Venezuela: Guyana compromete a la OEA a preservar la paz


Greenidge tells OAS of govt.’s plans, stresses need for regional stability

The proverbial “killing two birds with one stone” was employed by Foreign Affairs Minister Carl Greenidge as he addressed the 45th regular session of the Organization of American States (OAS) General Assembly.

In his address, the Minister and Vice-President thanked the OAS for the role it played in the recently concluded elections in Guyana; apprised the Assembly of the new government’s development plans and highlighted Venezuela’s recent threat to Guyana’s territorial integrity.

Starting things off, Greenidge lauded the “tangible worth” of the OAS and gave as an example of this value, the role of the Organization’s electoral observation mission in Guyana’s latest General and Regional Elections.

On behalf of the Government and people of Guyana, Greenidge thanked the OAS for its “valuable contribution” to underpinning Guyana’s electoral and democratic processes.

He said that the “energized” electorate has bestowed on the new administration a mandate for political and social reform and has set the stage for a “much-needed” national democratic renewal.
Greenidge explained that the process will involve the launch of Local Government Elections following a lapse of over two decades. “It will also see the pursuit of inclusionary democracy aimed at overcoming historic divisions,” said Greenidge.

The Minister informed the Assembly that President David Granger declared the Government’s intention to combat the scourges of corruption and poverty, to improve security, and pursue higher standards of public service as well as education.

“We also pledge to offer better guarantees for social protection. The new government will also bring an end to the politics of social and community division and growing income inequality and wealth disparities even in the face of rapid average rates of economic growth,” Greenidge stated.

Speaking about Guyana’s support for the OAS agenda, Greenidge firstly congratulated Ambassador Luis Almagro upon his installation as Secretary General of the Organization.

He said that Guyana’s national agenda mirrors the very commitments articulated by Secretary General Almagro during his installation ceremony on May 26th last, when he undertook to improve democracy and good governance, create better conditions for development, reduce inequality, advance human rights and fight corruption.

Greenidge said that given that the agenda of the OAS so closely parallels that of Guyana, the incoming Secretary General and his administration consequently enjoy Guyana’s full support and solidarity in their leadership of this Organization and in their efforts to better manage and rapidly modernize it.

“In this vein, we wish to reiterate the importance of the ongoing processes of management reform, the mandate prioritization process, the need for efficiency, transparency and accountability and the need for a sustainable solution to recurrent budgetary constraints,” said Greenidge.

In full diplomatic mode, Greenidge addressed the territorial dispute between Guyana and Venezuela without even actually pointing it out directly.

He told the assembly the new Government of Guyana is strongly and unequivocally committed to the goals and ideals of the OAS.
“We join you colleagues in the efforts aimed at ensuring that the essential purposes and ideals of the Organization remain consistent and undiminished” said Greenidge.

Immediately after making that statement, Greenidge said, “The vital function which this Organization must exercise in order to ensure the preservation of regional peace, security and stability is unequivocal. Stability, security and peace in our hemisphere cannot be maintained, nor can integral development be achieved, unless all nations observe International Law and faithfully adhere to their treaty obligations.”

He added, “Guyana strongly rejects all aggressive and illegal actions which affect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, and more so, those measures that involve the threat or use force. We call attention to the principles that underlie the OAS Charter relating to the settlement of differences between States by peaceful means, and urge all Member States to honour the provisions of the Charter which uphold these basic principles of International Law and which are in our collective interest.”

On May 27, Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro issued a decree, extending Venezuela’s claim to Guyana’s territorial waters. A map which was issued, accompanying the decree, shows that the claim includes the area where the US giant oil company, ExxonMobil is currently drilling for oil.

Greenidge had revealed that the decree indicates the potential use of force to deprive Guyana its territory.

Kaieteur News

Parlatino apoya a Venezuela frente a injerencia de Exxon Móbil

El Parlamento Latinoamericano (Parlatino) capítulo Venezuela aprobó un acuerdo en respaldo a la posición de Venezuela «frente a la agresión de Exxon Mobil en el Esequibo», con el voto salvado de la representación de la Mesa de la Unidad Democrática.

El presidente del Parlatino-Venezuela, Ángel Rodriguez, sostuvo que el diferendo con Guyana se ha manejado de acuerdo con el derecho internacional y con el acuerdo de Ginebra de 1966.

En el acuerdo, la instancia regional denuncia la conducta injerencista de la empresa Exxon Mobil, «que apoyada en el poderío imperial de Estados Unidos pretende sembrar la discordia y las divisiones entre los pueblos suramericanos».

También aplauden el beneplácito del Gobierno Guyanés de apegarse al convenio de Ginebra.

Mediante este documento, el Parlatino respalda la posición firme del Gobierno venezolano en defensa de su soberanía.

Rodríguez informó que este acuerdo será remitido a la Presidencia de la República, al Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y a la Asamblea Nacional.


El diputado al Parlatino por AD, José Luis Farías, sostuvo que el acuerdo «ignora al Gobierno de Guyana», por lo cual la MUD decidió no votar por la aprobación del mismo. “No estamos de acuerdo en dejar la culpa únicamente a la empresa Exxon Mobil, que además no es la única que está en el área. Pareciera ser que la responsabilidad está en un solo lado», enfatizó el opositor.

A su juicio, Venezuela, históricamente, «no ha sido ejemplo de defensa de su territorio”. Más adelante dijo: «Ojalá se pueda resolver el diferendo por el acuerdo de Ginebra».

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