Caricom realiza encuentro sobre juventud, educación y prevención del delito


CARICOM hosts regional monitoring and evaluation workshop

Two-day regional monitoring and evaluation workshop to provide training in the use of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) online monitoring and evaluation tool began on Monday at the CARICOM Secretariat in Georgetown, Guyana. Participants at the workshop include professionals from CARICOM member states who work in the areas of youth development, education and crime prevention and security.

Speaking at the opening, director of human development at the CARICOM Secretariat Myrna Bernard said the online monitoring tool was very timely; and that monitoring and evaluation continues to take a more prominent role as the ‘value for money’ paradigm takes traction.

Bernard noted that the practical sessions would afford hands on capacity building opportunities and enhance the technical skills of participants to use the tool. She said it would also assist in the development of benchmarking techniques.

Director of strategic management at the CARICOM Secretariat, Craig Beresford, also stressed the value of the tool to the CARICOM region. He said it would form part of the framework for implementing the regional strategic plan and allow for transparency in the implementation of projects and programmes.

The Community Strategic Plan, approved by CARICOM heads in July 2014, seeks to better meet Caribbean people’s expectations by targeting, between 2015 and 2019, a defined range of specific outcomes within specified timeframes. The plan was developed in consultation with member states and focuses on building economic, social, environmental and technological resilience, strengthening the CARICOM identity and spirit of community and strengthening community governance.

The monitoring and evaluation tool, being demonstrated at the workshop, was created in early 2014 in collaboration with UNICEF, originally to facilitate monitoring of the progress of the Regional Framework for Action for Children. It has since been extended to include the CARICOM Youth Development Plan (CYDAP) and the CARICOM Crime Prevention Action Plan. USAID is also a partner in this initiative and provided the necessary resources to facilitate the workshop.

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