Primer ministro de Antigua y Barbuda inicia gira por Asia


Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Visiting Dubai, Singapore

Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne visited Duba on Friday as part of a wider investment promotion tour.

Before arriving in the United Arab Emirates, the Prime Minister visited an International Residency Summit at the Jumeirah Carlton in London, while also holding a town hall meeting with Antigua and Barbuda nationals living in the UK.

Following his trip to Dubai, Browne will visit Singapore, where he will be a speaker at an international investment conference, also holding bilateral discussions with CEOs and with the Prime Minister of Malta, the government said in a statement.

Singapore is the stated model for Browne’s development plan for Antigua, as elaborated following his election.

The government said Browne’s trip was privately funded.

Caribbean Journal

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