Cuba y Antigua y Barbuda celebraron 20 años de relaciones diplomáticas


Letter: Cuba and Antigua-Barbuda bilateral relationship

Dear Sir:

The governments of the Republic of Cuba and Antigua and Barbuda have enjoyed 20 years of relations, marked by cooperation and shared principles. Since the diplomatic relations began on the 6th of April 1994, more than 160 students of Antigua and Barbuda have been graduated in Cuba, a large number of them beneficiaries of university scholarships from the Cuban government. Their studies in the disciplines of medicine, engineering, telecommunications, architecture, computer science, among others, have had a positive impact in Antigua and Barbuda.

Close relationship between the two governments has been manifested in different area, including health care, sports, agriculture and education. The benefits of the bilateral cooperation, received from the government of Cuba, not only have been concentrated in the areas of health and infrastructural programs, but also includes cultural gestures, like the creation of the bronze statue in the likeness of Sir Isaac Vivian Alexander Richards, erected at the Cricket Stadium that bears his name and the Vere Cornwall Bird Sr. bust at the Market Triangle.

The government and people of Cuba are appreciative of the solidarity which has characterized our relations and particularly the support by the government of Antigua and Barbuda, calling on the United States to immediately and unconditionally lift its economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed on the people of Cuba.

The government and people of both countries have resolved to continue enhancing the relations of friendship and cooperation between the sister nations.

George Goodwin
Bilateral Relations Committee

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