Inauguran la primera empresa de marihuana medicinal


Hace tiempo que se anticipaba, pero ahora la cuna del reggae y del legendario activista de la marihuana Bob Marley,anunció el lanzamiento de su primera compañía de marihuana medicinal.

El ministro de Industria, Inversión y Comercio de Jamaica, Anthony Hylton, estuvo entre los funcionarios gubernamentales presentes en la ceremonia realizada en la capital, Kingston en la que se anunció la apertura de la firma MediCanja.

La isla, mundialmente famosa entre los consumidores por el atractivo casi místico de su marihuana -conocida localmente como ganja-, ha sido por mucho tiempo el mayor abastecedor caribeño de marihuana ilegal hacia los Estados Unidos.

Sin embargo, MediCanja es el primer intento conocido por hallar una fuente legítima de ingresos a partir de la abundante, pero ilegal producción de marihuana de Jamaica.

La compañía se enfocará inicialmente en la investigación y desarrollo de producción de cannabidiol, o CBD, un compuesto de la hierba que posee efectos medicinales y carece de los efectos psicoactivos, dijeron funcionarios de la compañía.

First medical marijuana company established in Jamaica

Professor Henry Lowe yesterday launched Jamaica’s first medical ganja company, MediCanja in Kingston, to capitalise on the multibillion-dollar industry’s commercialisation.

Lowe is the executive chairman of Biotech Research and Development Institute.

He said it would be unfortunate if Jamaica lost out to a booming multibillion-dollar industry in Europe, Canada and the United States.

He noted that Canada’s hemp industry is valued at more than US$2 billion yearly.

Professor Lowe pointed out that Jamaica was the first country in the world to develop a commercial product from ganja, Canasol used to treat glaucoma.

MediCanja will undertake pioneering research and product development using the medicinal compounds called the CBDs – the non-psychoactive compounds in ganja.

The establishment of MediCanja follows the publication of a findings from a survey, which showed that a majority of Jamaica’s population may be in support of relaxing the laws prohibiting the use of marijuana.

The survey, which was conducted by pollster Don Anderson, revealed that 55 per cent of those interviewed felt that the laws criminalising marijuana should be relaxed.

The poll on medical marijuana was commissioned by Professor Lowe’s Bio-Tech Research and Development Institute and Pelican Publishers.

Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Anthony Hylton was the official guest speaker at the company’s launch.


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