Ministros de Granada renuncian a aumento de salarios


Most Grenada government ministers to forgo six percent pay hike

Over 90 percent of Grenada government ministers have agreed to forego the automatic six percent increases to their salaries, which were consistent with the increases to public servants, and which had become due in May 2013.

While it is the norm for ministers to get these automatic increases, the members of the new administration are sensitive to this being a special period of adjustment and sacrifice.

The most important issue on government’s agenda for this country right now is implementing a successful debt-restructuring program.

Prime Minister Dr Keith Mitchell has said that he will not let anything interfere with that singular goal.

Mitchell has said that government understands that moral and political can sometimes be in conflict. We do not wish therefore to be selfish or to confuse our people, the prime minister has said.

To demonstrate how important this message is, ministers have also decided to forego gratuity payments, and in the same vein, all parliamentarians have been called upon — current and former, who qualify — to indicate that they will forego any payment as well.

By ministers not taking salary increases, government is saving approximately $65,000 per year. Over the term of 57 months, this would be a total of just over $300,000.

In terms of gratuity, if ministers of the past administration gave up their gratuities, this would amount to a sum in excess of $1.2 million.

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